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Other Honor Events

Outside of KCMEA sponsored honor events, statewide music education organizations host prestigious honor ensembles annually. These include the California Band Director Association's Allstate Ensembles (band, orchestra, and jazz), Allstate Choir and Vocal Jazz, the Southern California Band and Orchestra Association's All-Southern ensembles, which range from Elementary band and orchestra to High School band, orchestra and jazz. Below there are links to each of the organization's websites. Instructions on how to audition are posted on the websites. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your music teacher.

CBDA Allstate Band and Orchestra


Auditions for the Jr. High and High School state honor band and orchestras (facilitated by the California Band Director's Association) are usually due in late November, and the ensembles rehearse and perform at the CASMEC convention in mid-February.

CCDA Allstate Choir


Auditions for the Jr. High and High School state honor choirs (facilitated by the California Choral Director's Association) are usually due in the fall, and the ensembles rehearse and perform in the spring.

SCSBOA Honor Ensembles


The Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association hosts Elementary, Jr. High and High School honor band and orchestra ensembles for students living in the Southern California region.

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